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Non Profits We Support

At LGS we have selected three non profit organizations based on our Fursonas. Each conservation works to better the environment and help endangered species survive in the wild. We make every effort to donate a portion of our proceeds to these conservations so that our company may help our beloved species and our natural environment. Please check them out or consider supporting them as well. 


If you send us proof of your donation, we will provide you with a free piece of art!

Mountain Caribou Conservation Northwest

The mountain Caribou conservation was chosen for my fursona Moss. This organization helps critically endangered caribou herds of the northwest. Consider visiting their website in the link below for more information or to make a donation!

Monterey bay Aquarium

One of our favorite organizations and one we have been in support of for many years. Monterey Bay Aquarium rescues and researches sea otter populations making this the perfect organization for our resident otter, Pike! Visit the link below to read more or to make a donation.

Tiger | Panthera

Our feisty feline, Punch is the inspiration behind our third non profit choice. Panthera is working to increase tiger populations, monitor their environmental efforts and better understand tiger dispersal. Click the link below to read more about their outreach or to donate to their cause.

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